"We" for me

Yangqiandai Si & Feier Meng

The theme of this project is self awareness. In a certain way not everyone knows about their true self. We did this project aim to face the unconscious mind, then recognize and admit self.

By creating specific facial effects for 3 different parts of concept, each one are pointing to a type of self. The subconscious self, the desired self and the self in the eyes of others. People could upload the background photo by themselves to realize different scenarios.

It could be considered as a visual manifestation of self-worth understanding.

Yangqiandai Si & Feier Meng

Installation  Self Awareness   Online Website  3D  Image  Facial Effects  Digital Video  

Yangqiandai Si & Feier Meng

Installation  Self Awareness   Online Website  3D  Image  Facial Effects  Digital Video